How Does Startpage Software Measure Up?
Genieo is a hot new name on the technology circuit and it continues to dominate the headlines with its state-of-the-art startpage software. First off, it’s important to note that Genieo startpage is 100% free to download and install. Users are not required to purchase the software, or to provide credit card information. Once you have downloaded and installed the software, it instantly adapts itself to your personal browsing preferences.
Image Source: Pixabay
At first glance, the sceptics may well question such claims. But upon closer inspection, this artificial intelligence-style software wraps itself around your personal preferences and brings you information from the World Wide Web that you are interested in. This is a welcome change from other software that redirects you to pages that you’re not interested in seeing. In this vein, startpage is free of viruses and malware. You can rest assured that your personal information will not be compromised when using this software.
In terms of functionality, startpage gets a definite thumbs up. This software was made available to the market at a time when Google reader was rapidly waning and eventually met its demise. The brains trust behind the development of startpage has extensive experience in the IT sector, so the algorithms and codes that power this deceptively simple program are revolutionary. In terms of usefulness, laypeople and business owners alike will find multiple benefits inherent in software. The most important of them is the personalised nature of web browsing that is available to you.
The need for subscribing to archaic RSS feeds is no longer required. The fact of the matter is that changing user preferences are a reality of the modern-day world. Users have long been calling for a program – such as startpage – that is able to anticipate their browsing needs. This newspaper-style homepage effectively ‘Pulls’ information from the web and displays it on your homepage. You get what you like, at the click of a button without having to open multiple tabs in the process. Certainly worth considering and a bold new entrant to the software arena!