Top 10 SEO Techniques To Reach The Top
One of the hottest topics these days, in web market, is SEO. Even the topmost of businesses think about how can they get their web sites ranked as the top results of any search engine? Putting it simple, every businessman thinks about increasing the Google page rank. But, how?
There are numerous companies that provide full time SEO services at quite reasonable prices. However, if you have a small business and can’t afford to go for hiring such services, here are some useful tips for you to increase your ranking in the search engine:
Title Tag
The top of any web site’s source code includes numerous Meta tags, the most common ones including the Title, Description, and Keyword tags. Technically, the title tag and Meta tag are different, although very commonly associated. The title tag plays a vital role in web site indexing and is, therefore, considered to be the most important of the above.
Meta Tags
Basically, talking in terms of SEO, there are two types of Meta tags – the keyword and the description tag. It is, however, dubious whether or not the search engines uses description tags to rank your results. Conversely, it forms one of the most important tags for being listed in the search results. This tag is used by the readers on seeing your link while deciding about clicking your link.
Image Source: Pixabay
Use of Proper Heading Tags
This is, indeed, a highly important element that demands consideration while writing out the site copy. Using heading tags is helpful for users as well as web browsers. Also, similar search engines are acquainted with where the important points of your site copy are located.
Alt Attributes on Images
Placing alt attributes on the images helps serve dual purpose. Talking in SEO terms, you can put extra relevant text to the source code by placing a brief but descriptive alt attribute besides the image to be seen by the search engines while indexing your site. Text with better relevancy increases your chances of getting a higher SEO rank.
Title Attributes on Links
Another imperative step towards higher SEO ranking is to include title attributes on your links. It refers to the little “tool tip” popping up while placing the mouse over any link.
XML Sitemap
The sitemaps referred to by web visitors are helpful in guiding them through site navigation on their own. However, you also have another version, “XML sitemaps”, being used by the search engines for indexing through the site.
Relevant content
Featuring content pertinent to your site topic or the main page may prove to be the most important aspect of SEO ranking. Although every keyword requires in the Meta tags plus alt images, but not having relevant text on your page, it may end up as a futile attempt.
Link Building
Try generating links through genuine content, specifically if you have a blog, with similar blogs and web sites also. These sites would try to link back to you too.
Social Media
Social media plays an imperative role in helping your website to get noticed and should be, therefore, a must include in the plan.
Avoid Splash and Flash
In addition to the above said tips, it is also important to be cautious with using splash and flash. Concerning SEO, flash web sites and splash pages are a big NO.