What do you know about SEO?
Information has find out a new route i.e. online route to reach across the world. We talk about big data, data about data and other stuff when we talk about data management. When there is so much of information at disposal then it becomes very important to filter and to highlight what is important to us. Visibility is cheap but not easy online. People use search engines to get relevant information but due to the ocean of data available online it becomes very important that data uploaded needs optimization if it has to be noticed by the reader/searcher.
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Now comes the role of SEO – Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process by which the visibility of a webpage or website in a search engine’s search (un-paid) results is impacted rather increased. People are communicating every fraction of a second via internet. Indeed, more than 250 million tweets and 800 million Facebook status updates are now made every single day. Social, political, business, personal all kind of links are created over internet. Though, one third of CEOs and business owners want to spend less of their workday on social media, it has become a necessity if they you want to remain updated all the time. According to a survey in 2010, 62% of companies performed social media duties in-house but within a year that percentage dropped to just 55% due to huge amount of information flowing around.
Across the world, branding, advertising, business promotions etc. is done over internet. 60% of content sharing messages that are specific to an industry mention a brand or product name. Companies have found internet as an effective medium of publicity. Whatever your business is, whatever services you provide; in today’s world if you want your presence to be felt then your website’s name should be one of the top five most and to achieve it, SEO is much needed.